The 5 Pillars:
The program is comprised of five areas of assessment and evaluation, each focusing on a facet of personal health.
Pillar One is a comprehensive physical examination, an evaluation that can reveal the earliest symptoms of disease, or detect conditions such as high cholesterol or hypertension that can lead to serious illness. The physical examination is a snapshot of where you are health wise, so that RHE specialists can begin setting your course in the direction you need to go. It includes blood analysis and other laboratory work, in order to establish a complete health history. All examinations employ protocols developed by Dr. Rippe, as components in a total Rippe Health Evaluation.
Pillar Two is a nutritional evaluation. This consult is conducted by a registered dietitian. It examines your diet, how you fuel your body, and the extent to which you energize it or deny it essential vitamins and minerals that should be sustaining you. Your dietary habits are assessed, then recommendations are made for you to achieve optimum nutritional balance.
Pillar Three focuses on physical activity and exercise. This Pillar recognizes that physical activity and exercise are absolutely essential to retain the strength, energy level and health of your body. RHE Exercise Physiologists can provide an in-depth evaluation of your current exercise and physical activity, then structure a personalized program tailored to your needs, interests and current fitness level.
Pillar Four encompasses areas of personal vitality, in recognition that physical health is influenced by the conditions of heart, mind and spirit. Your RHE doctor will provide analysis and counseling that will enable you to deal more effectively with any personal issues you may have, and move toward achieving your optimum vitality.
Pillar Five is a pharmaceutical evaluation. Quite often, interactions of medications, supplements, vitamins and minerals counteract one another. Your RHE physician will provide a personal pharmaceutical evaluation to ensure you maintain the most beneficial medical and supplemental regimen possible.