It takes the best to deliver the best. Every staff member at Rippe Health Evaluation has been personally selected by Dr. Rippe for their clinical expertise, commitment to excellence and caring attitude.
All RHE physicians are Board Certified and graduated near or at the top of their class in the top medical schools and residency training programs in the United States. Our exercise physiologists, nutritionists and pharmacists are leaders in their respective fields and maintain active research careers in addition to their clinical duties at Rippe Health Evaluation.
The research arm of our organization, Rippe Lifestyle Institute, is the international leader in research in lifestyle medicine and disease prevention.
James M. Rippe, M.D. - Founder and Director
Beth Grady is the Editorial Director for Rippe Lifestyle Institute and Managing Editor of all of Dr. Rippe's medical and trade publications. As Managing Editor, Beth serves as the liaison between Dr. Rippe and the hundreds of contributing physicians to Dr. Rippe's publications. She oversees and coordinates the publication processes of all RLI publications including research papers, medical textbooks, trade books and other publications. She is responsible for communications with various publishing companies.
Since beginning her career with Dr. Rippe in 1985, Beth has served as Managing Editor of numerous publications including the following publications: Journal of Intensive Care Medicine; Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine textbook, the Manual of Intensive Care Medicine; Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine; the Review Book for Intensive Care Medicine; Lifestyle Medicine and the Manual of Overdoses and Poisonings.
During her tenure with Dr. Rippe, Beth also has coordinated the publication of all of Dr. Rippe's trade books on health and fitness including Fit Over Forty, Fitness Walking for Women, Lifestyle Nutrition, The Joint Health Prescription and Healthy Heart for Dummies.
Beth is a graduate of Lasell College and lives in Worcester, MA with her husband Peter.
Carol Moreau is Dr. Rippe's Executive Assistant, serving in this capacity since 1995. Carol brings over 20 year’s experience in executive support to company Presidents, Vice Presidents and CEOs. In the position of Executive Assistant, Carol supports the day-to-day activities of Dr. Rippe's consulting business and acts as liaison between Dr. Rippe and top executives of contractual partner companies. Carol is also responsible for coordinating Dr. Rippe's schedule and travel arrangements.
Debra has been at Rippe Lifestyle Institute in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts in the capacity of Office Assistant for the past 5 years. She lives in Worcester, Massachusetts with her husband and 2 children.
Rippe Multimedia is directed by Stephanie Hart Rippe. Ms. Rippe is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist with over 20 years of on-air media experience in television and radio news. She has reported and anchored for ABC, CBS and NBC affiliate television stations as well as network news including CNN and Fox News. She has also been an Arbitron-winning radio News Director for both AM and FM stations. Prior to joining Rippe Health as the Director of Rippe Multimedia, she served for almost ten years as the primary female news anchor for Boston's NECN (New England Cable News), the largest regional all-news station in the United States. Ms. Rippe has taught television technique to a variety of professional groups including business executives and health care professionals. Today, she oversees a variety of media projects at Rippe Health and works with multimedia formats including internet and web-based mass communications, broadcast, audio, digital and wireless services. She is the Executive Producer for Dr. Rippe and trains all on-air staff.
(Photo By: Denise Passaretti)
Kathleen Melanson, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.
Senior Research Consultant in Nutrition
Kathleen J. Melanson, Ph.D., R.D., L.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Rhode Island, and Director of the Energy Metabolism Laboratory. Formerly, she was the Senior Scientist at Rippe Lifestyle Institute. Her areas of expertise include energy and macronutrient metabolism, energy balance, metabolic regulation, appetite physiology, healthy body weight management, nutrition and physical activity, and chronic disease prevention. She has published widely in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as book chapters, and has presented her work internationally. Her professional memberships include the American Dietetic Association, the International and North American Chapters of the Association for the Study of Obesity, the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, and the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America. Dr. Melanson assists RLI research staff in the design and implementation of study protocols, planning experimental test meals and diets, data collection and interpretation, abstract and paper writing, and applications of outcomes.