Rippe Multimedia — A Proven Track Record
Rippe Multimedia has extensive background in a wide variety of media in the areas of medical health communications. Here is a representative sample:
The REWARD Project Audio Training Tape, designed to provide physicians with general information on the REWARD Project as well as specific information on the patient enrollment process, was written and produced by Rippe Multimedia. The tape will be distributed to physicians interested in participating in the REWARD Project, a multi-year clinical registry that is gathering information on weight, the health effects of overweight and obesity as well as various strategies for weight management.
Corporate America Health Summit 2000, an inspiring conference that gathered together senior human resource officers, benefits directors and medical directors of Fortune 1000 companies, was held February 13-16, 2000, at the Disney Institute in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Dr. Rippe served as moderator for the four-day event and conducted an on-site satellite media tour on the final day of the conference.
Dr. Rippe hosted Stop: Take Control of Diabetes, a patient education video, in 1997. This video won for a prestigious "Freddy" award from the American Medical Association in the category of patient education. Stop: Take Control of Diabetes can be found in every Blockbuster® video store in the United States under the public service category.
Fitness Stepping was Dr. Rippe's first exercise video. It was produced in conjunction with step aerobics national champion Joy Kelly. It has been utilized around the world to help individuals understand how to use step aerobics to improve their health and fitness.
In addition to the extensive television backgrounds of both Ms. Hart and Dr. Rippe, Dr. Rippe has conducted a variety of satellite media tours, both for research sponsors at RLI and also other clients. Clients for satellite media tours have included Whitehall Laboratories, General Mills, ConAgra, Pfizer and Roche Laboratories, Weight Watchers, Novartis and G.E. Healthcare.
Video Production:
Ms. Hart and Dr. Rippe have collaborated on a variety of videos including an award winning video, "Stop: Take Control of Diabetes," which won a prestigious AMA "Freddie" award. In addition, Dr. Rippe has hosted a variety of health and fitness videos for a wide range of clients. Representative clients include Eli Lilly, Pharmanex, and Icon Health and Fitness.
Media Training:
Ms. Hart has extensive experience in training business executives and healthcare professionals for on-camera television work. She has trained individual physicians and business executives as well as groups. Ms. Hart has taught television technique on behalf of the American Medical Association.
Rippe Multimedia has conducted a wide variety of academic symposia on behalf of healthcare clients. Included in this category are symposia conducted in association with the American Heart Association on "Obesity as a Risk Factor for Heart Disease" as well as symposia conducted in conjunction with the North American Association for the Study of Obesity and the American Dietetic Association. Rippe Multimedia also organized and conducted the Corporate America Health Summit 2000 in collaboration with the United States Chamber of Commerce and the Disney Institute.
Audio Presentations:
Ms. Hart and Dr. Rippe have collaborated on and recorded a wide variety of audio presentations, including a variety of physician education tapes in cardiology as well as health and fitness tapes on a variety of risk factor reduction strategies and health related topics. Representative clients include Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals and Pharmanex.
Pamphlets and Consumer Education Materials:
Rippe Multimedia has produced a variety of patient and physician educational materials including pamphlets and other print materials. Dr. Rippe has written consumer education materials for ConAgra, General Mills, The Rockport Company, Schering-Plough, Life Fitness, Whitehall Laboratories and Roche Laboratories.
Several of Dr. Rippe's books have been republished as part of media campaigns for major clients. Included in this category are books published on behalf of the Rockport Division of Reebok (The Rockport Fitness Walking Program, Rockport's Guide to Fitness Walking, and Rockport's Complete Book of Fitness Walking). Dr. Rippe's book Fit Over Forty also was used in extensive media campaigns on behalf of one of the research sponsors behind this project, Whitehall Laboratories.
Examples of print materials, videos, audio productions, books, proceedings of symposia, and other Rippe Multimedia projects are available by request.