Lifestyle Nutrition
Lifestyle Nutrition, is edited by lifestyle medicine pioneer, cardiologist Dr. James Rippe. Lifestyle Nutrition provides robust evidence for the key role that healthy, (typically plant-based) nutrition plays both in the prevention and treatment of virtually every chronic disease.
Lifestyle Medicine (4th Edition)
Lifestyle Medicine, Fourth Edition, is edited by lifestyle medicine pioneer, cardiologist Dr. James Rippe. This edition represents the combined wisdom and recommendations of over 325 experts in virtually every aspect of lifestyle medicine. Chapter authors have been chosen for their background as leaders in various aspects of lifestyle medicine.
Integrating Lifestyle Medicine in Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention
Integrating Lifestyle Medicine in Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention is designed for practitioners of all levels and provides evidence based information on both the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease through lifestyle measures such as regular physical activity, sound nutrition, weight management and avoidance of tobacco products.
Obesity Prevention and Treatment: A Practical Guide
Obesity Prevention and Treatment: A Practical Guide is written for health care professionals of all levels and provides user friendly evidence-based guidelines for obesity prevention and treatment which should prove valuable to practitioners of lifestyle medicine, general medicine and subspeciality practices.
Manual of Lifestyle Medicine
The Manual of Lifestyle Medicine provides an entry point for individuals who are contemplating utilizing lifestyle medicine in their clinical practice or individuals who are starting their medical careers and not quite ready to purchase the larger academic textbook.
Increasing Physical Activity: A Practical Guide
Increasing Physical Activity: A Practical Guide is aimed largely at physicians and other health care workers with the goal of encouraging all health care workers to include recommendations for increased physical activity in every clinical encounter.
Lifestyle Medicine (3rd Edition)
Lifestyle Medicine, Third Edition, is edited by lifestyle medicine pioneer, cardiologist Dr. James Rippe. This 1800-page edition has been thoroughly updated and represents the expert opinions of 20 section editors as well as more than 150 expert chapter authors whose knowledge span all aspects of this emerging discipline.
Irwin & Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine (Eighth Edition)
The eighth edition of Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine textbook provides an interprofessional emphasis on anesthesia, surgery, trauma, neuro and cardiovascular, as well as medical intensive care, with strong collaboration across all these disciplines. With a focus on evidence-based, state-of-the-art information throughout, the eighth edition offers authoritative guidance to the wide variety of specialty physicians and non-physicians practicing in the adult intensive care environment.
Lifestyle Medicine (2nd edition)
There is no doubt that daily habits and actions exert a profound health impact. The fact that nutritional practices, level of physical activity, weight management, and other behaviors play key roles both in the prevention and treatment of most metabolic diseases has been recognized by their incorporation into virtually every evidence-based medical guideline. Despite this widespread recognition, physicians and other healthcare workers often cannot find a definitive and comprehensive source of information on all of these areas.
Designed for physicians and other health care workers, Lifestyle Medicine, Second Edition brings together evidence-based research in multiple health-related fields to assist practitioners both in treating disease and promoting good health. Sections cover nutrition and exercise, behavioral psychology, public policy, and management of a range of disorders, including cardiovascular disease, endocrine and metabolic dysfunction, obesity, cancer, immunology and infectious diseases, pulmonary disorders, and many more.
Obesity Prevention and Treatment
This academic textbook edited by Dr. Rippe and Dr. Ted Angelopoulos will be published in May 2012. It provides modern understandings of both the prevention and treatment of obesity. It is designed for clinicians in all fields of medicine as well as other healthcare professionals.
Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health
This two volume, comprehensive Encyclopedia, edited by Dr. Rippe, contains over 350 essays written by 255 experts in various aspects of lifestyle medicine and was published in December 2011. It is available at many university libraries as well as in large public libraries. This is the first Encyclopedia available to the general public providing the scientific basis of the connection between lifestyle and health.
Procedures, Techniques and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care Medicine (5th ed)
This large format, soft covered textbook is a companion to the 7th Edition of Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine. It covers all of the key procedures and techniques utilized in modern intensive care.
Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine (7th edition)
This massive, 2500 page ICU textbook is the leading intensive care textbook in the world. It is co-edited by Dr. Rippe and Dr. Richard Irwin and combines the expertise of over 250 contributors whose chapters cover the key issues in intensive care medicine.
Manual of Intensive Care Medicine (5th edition)
This soft-cover manual which is co-edited by Dr. Rippe and Dr. Richard Irwin is found in the hands of most medical house officers serving in hospitals in the United States. It covers all of the key aspects of intensive care medicine in a user friendly style emphasizing key clinical issues which are critical to bedside care.
Procedures, Techniques and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care Medicine (4th ed)
This book was published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (Philadelphia) in 2007. It is edited by Dr. Rippe and his colleagues Dr. Richard Irwin, Dr. Alan Lisbon and Dr. Stephen Heard. It outlines virtually every technique and procedure utilized in modern intensive care medicine.
Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine (6th edition)
The 6th edition of this textbook which is edited by Dr. Rippe and his colleague Dr. Richard Irwin, was published in 2007. This book is the leading intensive care textbook in America and provides healthcare professionals with background information on virtually every aspect of intensive care.
Manual of Intensive Care Medicine (4th edition)
Co-edited with Dr. Richard Irwin, this is a leading source of information on Intensive Care Medicine for medical and surgical house officers in the United States and around the world. The 4th edition of this popular textbook was published in 2005.
The Manual of Overdoses and Poisonings
The first edition of the Manual of Overdoses and Poisonings co-edited by Dr. Rippe with Dr. Christopher Linden and Dr. Richard Irwin will provide a comprehensive source of information on overdoses and poisonings to emergency room physicians, intensive care medicine specialists, and medical and surgical house officers in the United States and around the world. The first edition of this manual was published in 2005.
The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
Dr. Rippe has been the Editor of the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine for the past 19 years. This is a journal for physicians practicing in the intensive care unit environment. Dr. Richard Irwin serves as co-editor of this academic journal.
Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine (Third Edition)
Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine (Third Edition), published in 2004 and written by Dr. Rippe with co-authors Drs. Richard Irwin, Frank Cerra, Fredrick Curley and Stephen Heard, provides in-depth descriptions and illustrations of major procedures and techniques in intensive care medicine.
Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine (Fifth Edition)
Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine, co-authored with Dr. Richard Irwin is the leading source of information on intensive care medicine in the United States and around the world. The fifth edition was published in 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. It is found in virtually in every intensive care unit in the United States. It is a 2,500 page, one-volume textbook with 275 contributors. Dr. Rippe serves as a senior editor for this publication.
Lifestyle Obesity Management
Lifestyle Obesity Management, published in 2003 and coauthored by Dr. Rippe and John P. Foreyt, PhD, is intended for physicians and other health care professionals working in the field of weight loss and obesity management. This book contains ten contributions discussing the value of using a multi disciplinary approach in the management of obesity including dietary, exercise and behavioral strategies. Material also includes discussion of the latest research in drug treatment and surgery as well as childhood obesity.
Lifestyle Nutrition
Lifestyle Nutrition, published in 1999 and coauthored by Dr. Rippe and Johanna T. Dwyer, D.Sc., is intended for physicians and nutritionists. This book contains eight contributions discussing essential dietary requirements and providing advice for managing patients' health and disease through diet. Material in this book was originally published as a section of Dr. Rippe's larger textbook, Lifestyle Medicine.
Manual of Intensive Care Medicine (Third Edition)
Manual of Intensive Care Medicine, co-edited with Dr. Richard Irwin, is the leading source of information on intensive care medicine for medical and surgical house officers in the United States and around the world. The third edition of this popular textbook was published in 2000.
Review of Intensive Care Medicine (Second Edition)
Review of Intensive Care Medicine (Second Edition) provides interactive learning for physicians in the area of intensive care medicine. Co-authored by Drs. James Rippe, Nicholas Smyrnios, Richard Irwin and Frank Cerra, the second edition of the book was published in 1999.
Lifestyle Medicine
Dr. Rippe is Founding Editor of the Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, which will commence publication in the year 2000.
Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine (Second Edition)
Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine (Second Edition), published in 1999 and written by Dr. Rippe with co-authors Drs. Richard Irwin, Frank Cerra, Fredrick Curley and Stephen Heard, provides in-depth descriptions and illustrations of major procedures and techniques in intensive care medicine.
Lifestyle Medicine
In 1999 Dr. Rippe's landmark medical textbook, Lifestyle Medicine, was published. This is the first textbook ever to bring into one volume background information for physicians on physical activity, proper nutrition, weight management and other lifestyle decisions and practices as they relate to the practice of medicine. This is a 1,500 page academic textbook with 150 contributors. Dr. Rippe is the senior editor of this textbook.
Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine (Fourth Edition)
Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine, co-authored with Drs. Richard Irwin and Frank Cerra, is the leading source of information on intensive care medicine in the United States and around the world. It is found in virtually in every intensive care unit in the United States. It is a 2,500 page, two-volume textbook with 275 contributors. Dr. Rippe serves as a senior editor for this publication.
Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (Fourth Edition)
The fourth edition of Dr. Rippe's best selling Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, co-authored with Dr. Joseph Alpert, was published in 1996. It is the leading source of information on cardiovascular disease for house officers and fellows as well as physicians at other levels of training.
Intensive Care Medicine (Third Edition)
The third edition of Intensive Care Medicine continued to expand its reputation of the leading source of information on intensive care in the United States and around the world. This two-volume medical text contains 2,500 pages and has over 275 contributors. It is found in virtually every intensive care unit in the United States and in many major intensive care units around the world.
Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine (First Edition)
Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine provides detailed descriptions and illustrations for the major procedures and techniques utilized in intensive care medicine. It was published in 1994 and has become a very important source of information and training for physicians in intensive care medicine.
Intensive Care Medicine (Second Edition)
The second edition of Dr. Rippe's major textbook, Intensive Care Medicine, was published in 1991. The second edition further established this book as the leading source of information on intensive care medicine in the United States and around the world.
Manual of Intensive Care Medicine (Second Edition)
The second edition of Dr. Rippe's highly successful Manual of Intensive Care Medicine was published in 1988. It is the leading source of information on all aspect of intensive care medicine and is utilized by medical and surgical house officers in the United States and around the world.
Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (Third Edition)
The third edition of the Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, published in 1989 and co-authored by Dr. Joseph Alpert, remains a leading source of information on all aspects of cardiovascular disease management and therapy.
Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (Second Edition)
The second edition of Dr. Rippe’s manual on cardiovascular disease treatment, Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, co-authored by Joseph Alpert, remains a major source of information on cardiovascular disease for physicians at all levels of training.
Intensive Care Medicine (First Edition)
The first edition of Dr. Rippe’s first major medical textbook, Intensive Care Medicine, was published in 1985. It was the first book to bring all of the diverse disciplines and information related to the emerging field of intense care medicine together in one major textbook. Over the years it has become the leading source of information on medical intensive care in the United States and is found in virtually every intensive care unit in every major hospital in the United States as well as in many major hospitals around the world.
Manual of Intensive Care Medicine (First Edition)
Dr. Rippe authored Manual of Intensive Care Medicine along with a fellow house officer, Marie Csete, when he was completing his medical residency at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Published in 1983 when Dr. Rippe was a cardiology fellow, this manual has become the leading source of information in intensive care medicine for house officers and fellows throughout the United States and around the world.
Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (First Edition)
Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, co-authored with Dr. Joseph Alpert, was written in 1979 when Dr. Rippe was in his final year at Harvard Medical School. Published in 1980, it immediately became a best seller among physicians and a leading source of information on the treatment of cardiovascular disease.