Rippe Lifestyle Institute Clients Case Studies

Demonstrating The Benefits Of A Natural Product That May Promote Joint Health: The Knox Nutrajoint Story

Client: Nabisco

Category: Food and Beverage Companies


Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of morbidity for individuals over age 50. Because osteoarthritis is a chronic condition, finding natural, safe products that may help people improve joint health will not only reduce their suffering but also encourage individuals with osteoarthritis to become more physically active. Preliminary evidence existed which showed that Knox Nutrajoint, a Nabisco product, might decrease symptoms of osteoarthritis and improve joint health. Nabisco was marketing Knox Nutrajoint under authority granted by Congress in the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act of 1992 (DSHEA) as a product that was generally recognized as safe and might contribute to improved joint health. Nabisco approached the Rippe Lifestyle Institute to provide definitive scientific evidence on the effects of Knox Nutrajoint on indices of joint health and function in adults with mild osteoarthritis of the knee.

RLI's Response

RLI proposed and Nabisco accepted a research project to conduct an "index" study to provide the strongest possible evidence of the benefits, if any, from daily consumption of Knox Nutrajoint. RLI proposed a double blind, randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled trial of 200 individuals with mild osteoarthritis of the knee.


The trial was completed in late December 1999 and results indicate that Knox Nutrajoint helps maintain joint health in individuals with mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee. An abstract for an oral presentation was submitted to and accepted by the American Academy of Family Physicians for presentation at their annual meeting in September 2000. Nabisco has approved a series of communication projects proposed by RLI that are designed to expand on their joint health leadership position in 2001 and beyond. These projects include a trade book, "The Joint Health Solution" being authored by Dr. James Rippe and research staff at RLI.